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Natural-processed coffee entails drying the coffee cherries whole on sheltered drying patios, to a relative moisture content of 16%. This causes a fermentation process during the drying process that set sugars and fruits flavors in the bean. This process typically takes 3-4 weeks and the coffee beds are monitored and turned on regular intervals.
Photo courtesy of Café Imports

Photo courtesy of Café Imports
Cafe Arabica Yellow Bourbon Varietal
Brazil: Serra Negra
Our dark roast Brazilian coffee originates in the Minas Gerais region of Brazil. Translated as “Black Mountain,”Serra Negra coffee beans are grown at altitudes from 2,950 to 3,937 feet above sea level.
It is a natural-processed coffee consisting of Red Bourbon, Yellow Bourbon, and Catuai Arabica varietals, and rides the fine line between a Viennese Roast and a French Roast with notes mahogany, dark chocolate, and carmelized bitters. It has a heavy, smooth mouth feel that has succumbed to the dark side, developed into the second crack of the roasting process.

Photo courtesy of Café Imports
The Serra Negra (“Black Mountain”) coffee growing region of
Brazil at approximately 750-1100 MASL.

Cafe Arabica Red Bourbon Varietal
Photo courtesy of Café Imports
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